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Suitable for mutation specific PCR

AviKlen™  (KlenTaq DNA Polymerase) is a high-performance DNA polymerase derived from Thermus aquaticus (Taq) DNA polymerase. It lacks the N-terminal portion of the Taq gene, resulting in an enzyme with exceptional activity and enhanced thermal stability. AviKlen™ retains significant activity even after exposure to 99°C.


  • Versatile: Functions across a wide range of MgCl2 concentrations.
  • High Fidelity: Demonstrates a twofold lower error rate compared to standard Taq polymerase.
  • Cloning Compatibility: Amplicons are directly compatible with T/A cloning methods.
  • Mutation Analysis: Ideal for mutation analysis using mutation-specific oligonucleotides.
SKU: A10210-A10211-A10212 Category:

KlenTaq DNA Polymerase

Empowering Precision in PCR

KlenTaq: The Precision Powerhouse of PCR Enzymes

AviKlen™ ( KlenTaq DNA Polymerase ) is more than just an enzyme; it's a catalyst for scientific discovery and innovation. This high-fidelity DNA polymerase, meticulously engineered to remove the error-prone 5'→3' exonuclease activity present in standard Taq polymerase, redefines the standards of accuracy and reliability in polymerase chain reaction (PCR). AviKlen™ empowers researchers, clinicians, and innovators to delve deeper into the genetic code with confidence, knowing their results are precise and trustworthy.

Why Choose AviKlen™ over Standard Taq Polymerase?

The decision to choose KlenTaq over Taq polymerase hinges on the specific requirements of your PCR applications. Let's explore scenarios where KlenTaq's unique strengths make it the superior choice:

  • High-Fidelity PCR Demands Absolute Accuracy:

    • Genomic Sequencing: When decoding the vast landscape of the human genome or other organisms, even a single nucleotide error can lead to misinterpretations. KlenTaq ensures the faithful replication of genetic material, providing accurate sequence data for research, diagnostics, and personalized medicine.
    • Cloning: In the realm of genetic engineering, precise replication of DNA fragments is crucial for creating recombinant DNA molecules. KlenTaq's fidelity guarantees that cloned genes are true to their original sequence, minimizing the risk of unintended alterations.
    • Mutagenesis: Whether studying the effects of mutations on protein function or engineering new enzymes with enhanced properties, KlenTaq's accuracy ensures that introduced mutations are precise and predictable.
  • Long-Range PCR Stretches the Limits:

    • Genomic Studies: KlenTaq's ability to amplify long DNA fragments enables researchers to explore large genomic regions, identify genetic markers associated with diseases, and study complex genetic loci.
    • Genetic Mapping: Constructing detailed genetic maps requires the amplification of extended DNA segments. KlenTaq's thermostability and processivity make it the ideal tool for this task.
  • Mutation Detection Requires Unwavering Precision:

    • Genetic Diagnostics: Early and accurate detection of genetic mutations is essential for diagnosing inherited diseases, assessing disease risk, and guiding treatment decisions. KlenTaq's high fidelity ensures that these critical mutations are not missed or misinterpreted.
    • Cancer Research: The study of somatic mutations in cancer cells is crucial for understanding tumor development and progression. KlenTaq's accuracy allows researchers to confidently identify these mutations and explore their role in cancer biology.
  • Challenging Templates Need a Robust Enzyme:

    • GC-Rich Sequences: DNA sequences with high GC content can be difficult to amplify due to their tendency to form stable secondary structures. KlenTaq's enhanced thermostability and resistance to secondary structure formation enable efficient amplification of these challenging templates.
    • Complex DNA Structures: Some DNA regions contain complex structures like hairpins or repeats, which can hinder PCR. KlenTaq's robust performance allows it to navigate these obstacles, ensuring successful amplification of even the most complex templates.
  • Direct PCR from Blood Streamlines Workflows:

    • Clinical Diagnostics: In clinical settings, time is often of the essence. Hemo KlenTaq, a variant specifically designed for direct PCR from blood, eliminates the need for DNA purification, allowing for rapid detection of pathogens or genetic markers in patient samples.
    • Forensic Investigations: Direct PCR from blood stains or other biological evidence can significantly speed up forensic analyses, aiding in the identification of suspects or victims.

Advantages of AviKlen™ KlenTaq DNA Polymerase

  • Unsurpassed Accuracy: With a twofold lower error rate than Taq polymerase, KlenTaq sets the standard for high-fidelity PCR.
  • Enhanced Thermostability: Its robust performance at high temperatures expands the range of DNA templates you can amplify efficiently.
  • Superior Yield: Maximize the amount of amplified DNA for downstream applications.
  • Seamless TA Cloning: Simplify cloning workflows with direct compatibility with T/A cloning methods.
  • Versatility in Applications: From research to diagnostics and industrial biotechnology, KlenTaq is your reliable partner for diverse PCR applications.


  • Wide range of optimal MgCl2 concentration.
  • Two-time lower error rate than Taq.
  • Amplicons are T/A Cloning compatible.
  • Mutation analysis with mutation-specific oligonucleotides.

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1000 U


250 U


500 U

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